Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gotta Love It

I am in a phase of my life where I pretty much do not like the government and feel that they ALL are only about their self. This thought was solidified during the Texas governor race between Perry and Sanchez. According to Free Public
Sanchez and Perry combined spent over $78 million during the campaign. ARE THEY SERIOUS!!?!??
Come on now!!! $78 million??? If they really were concerned for the poor people and the kids, and whatever else garbage they said, then they would have said, hey (Sanchez) I am going to use my $26 million of my own personal money, and put it towards a good cause. But instead, they both gave it the advertisers and whatever else to help them become richer. Well that's great... YAYYY Government!!!
Ok, so, I didn't give you my whole "The Government Sucks" speech, but I think you get the idea.
Despite all of that, I am so thankful that I was born a US citizen and not something else. I was watching a PBS special, I believe it was in the Ukraine, where women are constantly kidnapped and sold into slavery prostitution. I can not even fathom that. I don't have to worry about that kind of stuff here. Yes, women should always be cautious, but it is less likely that we would get snatched up and sold into a sex ring. The worse part is the police do nothing. They just round the girls up, and ship them back to where they came from, and don't even try to go after the pimps and traffickers.
So plainly, there is a whole lot in our society, but at least we don't have to worry about being sold into sex rings, suicide bombers, uncontainable diseases, total lack of food and whatever else.

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