Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gotta Love It

I am in a phase of my life where I pretty much do not like the government and feel that they ALL are only about their self. This thought was solidified during the Texas governor race between Perry and Sanchez. According to Free Public
Sanchez and Perry combined spent over $78 million during the campaign. ARE THEY SERIOUS!!?!??
Come on now!!! $78 million??? If they really were concerned for the poor people and the kids, and whatever else garbage they said, then they would have said, hey (Sanchez) I am going to use my $26 million of my own personal money, and put it towards a good cause. But instead, they both gave it the advertisers and whatever else to help them become richer. Well that's great... YAYYY Government!!!
Ok, so, I didn't give you my whole "The Government Sucks" speech, but I think you get the idea.
Despite all of that, I am so thankful that I was born a US citizen and not something else. I was watching a PBS special, I believe it was in the Ukraine, where women are constantly kidnapped and sold into slavery prostitution. I can not even fathom that. I don't have to worry about that kind of stuff here. Yes, women should always be cautious, but it is less likely that we would get snatched up and sold into a sex ring. The worse part is the police do nothing. They just round the girls up, and ship them back to where they came from, and don't even try to go after the pimps and traffickers.
So plainly, there is a whole lot in our society, but at least we don't have to worry about being sold into sex rings, suicide bombers, uncontainable diseases, total lack of food and whatever else.

The Beauty Within

*This is an old 2006 post, that I never posted
Ok, yes, I watch The Flavor of Love. I can't help it, it's hilarious. I suppose that you may think that I am going to say something like Flavor needs love too and don't judge him cuz he looks like crack reincarnated.... Well, that's not it..... We all know, whether you watch the show or not, they just want his money. But I divert... One of the ladies was mad and said that she didn't want to loose him especially not to a "big girl."

That is the topic for tonight. I am sick and tired of people judging people on their outward appearance. Now I know we all do it, including myself, but that is not soley what we should be looking at. I do not believe that there is such a thing as an ugly person, just an ugly personality.

Women are Beautiful!!!
All Women are Beautiful!!!
And until we proclaim that, we will continue to be subjected to the medias idea of beauty. Stick thin women. Now, I by no means am attacking skinny women at all, hey, I'm skinny myself. What I hate is that they show all these size zero women and proclaim that to be the norm and it is not. Did you know that the average women is a size 14.
Size should not matter, just health.
Size should be about health and not vanity. If you feel your too big, loose weight to be healthy, not to get a man. Do you really want a man who wont give you a second look for whatever reason, but when you loose weight, show skin or whatever, now he wants to be your bestfriend? Come on now. Wouldn't it be more fulfilling to have someone like you for the person you are and the person that you look like. If someone loves you for what's inside, than you will be the most beautiful person that they have ever laid eyes on. Wouldn't you want them to fall in love with you and not what you look like on the outside, because when the make-up is off and in 10 years, if it wasn't built on the inner person, then they will find the next pretty young thing.

I am tired of the way the media portrays women. Women are suppose to be unique and beautiful individuals, but yet all the ads show women as being tall skinny. Where is the shape, the attitude, hips, thighs, curves whatever??? As a result, some of our poor youth becomes misdirected and thinks that they have to look like the picture on the magazine, I mean the airbrushed picture sorry. These poor girls suffer from low self-esteem and eating disorders as a result. It just hurts my heart that they don't see the real beauty within. I have had a few teenage girls tell me, your so pretty, and skinny or whatever and may say that their jealous or whatever. I always respond with your so beautiful too just the way you are, but they have already been programmed to think that they are not. It's so sad. All women are beautiful, and we as women should start telling each other that we are beautiful just the way God created us.

Looks are just superficial, and as a friend said, some people just "hit" the genetic lottery. I say, you may not have control over you looks, but you definitely have control over your personality.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Black History Year!!!

Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King have both died in the past 6 months, but what they stood for, what all the civil rights leaders, and people of that era stood for and fought for will still live on.

I am very grateful for what everyone did during the civil rights movement, black and white. I think that when we think about the civil rights movement we forget that there were white people who also fought and died so that everyone could have equal rights. Please refer to this site for a timeline

I think that in today’s society with the technology, cell phones, and the ability to just go into any restroom or restaurant with out scrutiny, we forget that the civil rights movement was just yesterday. We take things such as school for granted. Need I remind you of Brown vs. The Board of Education? We can go to any school and apply and go to any college, and better ourself through an education. They fought and died so that we can have that right. We run around here as if someone owes us something and that they should just give it to us. If the people of the civil rights movement had that mentality, where would we be?

Another thing that makes me mad is the constant stereotypes that the black community has and that the black community does not try to abolish. Lets name a few, sex, drugs, and crime. I wonder where the media and others get this stereotype from??? Hmmm, let's just turn on BET, ohh what's that, an ass, the snowman, oh and let's not forget the guns. Are you for real?! Most people know that you can not believe everything you see on TV, but come on, if you are only seeing one thing over and over again, what are you going to think.

Black people were labeled promiscuous when they were enslaved to dehumanize them. And what are we doing, making songs and glorifying multiple sex partners, lets not even address the HIV epidemic in the black community, mainly black women.

Black history month is not February, its year round. Happy Black History Year!!! We are no longer physically enslaved, but don't allow yourself to be mentally enslaved. Oh the white man is just trying to bring me down. The white man put me in jail. Really? So you weren't the one selling or using that drug, the white man was and then framed you? Just don't do it to begin with and then you wont have to worry about getting into trouble. I understand that it may not be total equality yet, but who said it wouldn't be a long fight. We have to continue to prove ourself and rise above the rest. Yes it will be tiring, but what we do now will affect our future generations, and that is who the civil rights movement had in mind, future generation. Not everyone who fought for change was able to see the change, but they fought anyway.

It wasn’t that long ago that people couldn’t go to any school , apply to any job, go to any restaurant, and etc. Let’s keep what they fought for imprinted in our hearts and minds so that we do not become complacent, forgetful and ungrateful that we have these rights.

The journey has just begun, the civil rights movement just paved the path for us to become all that we can be as a community. Where are our business owners, black fortune 500 companies, community service activists, opera, stage, and I mean the list just goes on. We are not confined to the music industry and basketball. We have a whole world out there, spread your wings and fly!! That’s what they fought for. They didn’t fight for the ability to show our asses on BET or have riot type fights at concerts or other social events.

Let’s stop bringing each other down, and help them up. Don’t look down your nose at someone if you have an education and they don’t. Your not better than them, we are all the same. Let’s not talk about the crack head, let’s talk about how we can help and prevent it from happening.

Exercise the right to vote that they fought and died for us to have. Come together and protest the poor schools in the minority neighborhoods, so that our youth can get an education and compete in society. Protest and rally when the cops do not protect the lower income neighborhoods as they should. Remember, politicians want to keep their jobs, and bad publicity and the risk of constituents not voting for them is not a chance they want to take.

Anyway, I think I will just keep on going on and on. So, in summary, Happy Black History Year!!! Continue to fight and don’t become complacent because there is so much more out there for all of us.